About the book and its Contents:
This book certainly raises a lot of eyebrows since a lot of people, myself included, admire Warren Buffett, arguably the greatest investor of our time.
The book itself contains only 10 chapters, which explain an investment strategy or characteristic unique to Buffett.
After reading this book, you will appreciate that some of Buffett's strategies for investing won't work for the small investor. For instance, Buffett prefers to focus instead of diversify. For him, this works fine, but the same strategy may not work at all for another investor.
Difficulty Level = 3/5
This is good for readers who already understand how Warren Buffett thinks and acts.
Personal Rating = 3.5/5
This is a short book that focuses more on clarifying Buffett's strategies and relating it to the ordinary investor. If you want to learn more about investing in general, one should instead browse from my other recommended books.
An investment is an investment when you bought it at a value and not when you bought it expensively and sold it even more expensively. The latter is deemed as speculation.